On Saturday, January 13th our board members Julia Verdin and Jason Piette created posters and went on the “STAND UP AGAINST TRAFFICKING” march organized by one of the organizations we are working closely with, CAST LA – http://www.castla.org, an NGO that services trafficking survivors with emergency response, case management, shelter, life/job skills training, legal advocacy, and peer leadership programming.
“It was incredibly moving to hear some of the stories from survivors and how they were now using their experiences to help others. People of all ages had shown up from all over the country to take part in the march. Some had come with church groups, others were from colleges and many were locals.” said Julia Verdin.
By Presidential proclamation, January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Trafficking is essentially a modern day form of slavery and, shockingly, now the fastest growing criminal activity in the US.
Los Angeles is one of the top points of entry for victims of slavery and trafficking in the US. We can all help by keeping vigilant, if you suspect any signs of trafficking call CAST’S hotline: (888) – 593 – 2373.